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Summertime Options

The stress of summer!

Batson slipway is a place of nightmares during peak summer with almost no trailer storage and queuing holiday makers. So what are your options?

Kingsbridge Slipway

Kingsbridge is just a 10 minute drive along a main road from the Hamstone Storage compound. It's a wide easy slipway with plenty of parking and almost no queuing. You can slip your boat in, tie up to the visitor pontoon, park your car and trailer and be on your way. Just make sure that you pick a day with High tide in the morning and evening for a full day of boating,.

20% Off summer storage

Most of our package deal customer will be in the water during peak summer and therefore we have the space for you. If you are down on holiday with your boat and your looking for a base to store and then launch or recover yourself then this might be the right choice for you.


We're offering 20% off our storage prices during the months of  July, Aug and Sep for people who want to launch and recover themselves. 


Call or email to book your place this summer.

How will it work?

Storage: Once you arrive down to Devon drop your boat and keys off with me. I can pop it into storage until you have decided on a date to go boating.


Collection: Once you have a date that you want to go out on your boat, let me know. I will then get your boat out of the compound ready for you to collect.


Launch: Once you launch your boat at Kingsbridge or Salcombe or Dartmouth (all under 20 mins from base) then you can either find trailer parking there or drop it back off here.


Recovery: Again collect your boat and bring it back to Hamstone Storage. Here you can leave the boat for me to run through with fresh water and give it a hose down.

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