Package Deals
Choose a package deal between our 4 options. Each deal comes with 12 months of storage, launch and recovery, battery charging and different levels of valeting.
We can also help with engine servicing, additional launch and recoveries, trailer maintenance and much more.
​Lieutenant package
12 months storage
Engine flush with clean water
Hull, removal of Sea life
Hull, pressure wash
Deck wash
Upholstery clean
Trailer wash
Battery charging
One launch and recovery
£95.00 per foot per year.
£311.60 per meter per year.
Captain package
12 months storage
Engine flush with clean water
Hull, removal of Sea life
Hull, pressure wash
Deck wash
Upholstery clean
Trailer wash
Inside locker clean
Anchor clean
Anchor locker clean
Battery charging
One launch and recovery
£97 per foot per year.
£318.16 per meter per year.
Commodore package
12 months storage
Engine flush with clean water
Hull, removal of Sea life
Hull, pressure wash
Deck wash
Upholstery clean
Trailer wash
Inside locker clean
Anchor clean
Anchor locker clean
Stainless steel hand polish
Battery charging
One Launch and recovery
£99 per foot per year.
£324.72 per meter per year.
12 months storage
Engine flush with clean water
Hull, removal of Sea life
Hull pressure wash
Deck wash
Upholstery clean
Trailer wash
Inside locker clean
Anchor clean
Anchor locker clean
Stainless steel hand
Battery charging
Two launch and recovery + two full detailing cleans
£108 per foot per year
£354.24 per meter per year.
Discounted rates
As part of all our package deals, storage is at a reduced price.
If you would like to move your boat more than once per year then simply let me know and I will arrange everything. Additional costs can be found on each of our service pages.
All prices are not subject to VAT.
Our Storage
All of our package deals come with a full year of storage. This isn't just outdoor storage or under cover storage, our storage is dry and safe, inside an insured shed.
We also include battery charging as standard with every boat stored with us. It's important to keep a battery between 40% and 80% charged as this gives it the longest life expectancy saving you money and reducing breakdowns.
We have a full time member of staff ready to launch or recover your boat.